Source code for aml

Optimized Pipeline Detector

    from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    BaseEstimator = type("BaseEstimator", (object,), dict())
    TransformerMixin = type("TransformerMixin", (object,), dict())

[docs]class StackingEstimator(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Meta-transformer for adding predictions and/or class probabilities as synthetic feature(s). :param estimator: object with fit, predict, and predict_proba methods. The estimator to generate synthetic features from. :param res: True (default), stacks the final result of estimator :param probs: True (default), stacks probabilities calculated by estimator :param decision: True (default), stacks the result of decision function of the estimator """ def __init__(self, estimator, res=True, probs=True, decision=True): self.estimator = estimator self.res = res self.probs = probs self.decision = decision
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """ Sets the sklearn related parameters for the estimator :param params: parameters to be bassed to the estimator :return: `self` """ self.estimator.set_params(**params) return self
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): """ Fit the StackingEstimator meta-transformer. :param X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). The training input samples. :param y: array-like, shape (n_samples,). The target values (integers that correspond to classes in classification, real numbers in regression). :param fit_params: Other estimator-specific parameters. :return: self, object. Returns a copy of the estimator """, y, **fit_params) return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """ Transform data by adding two synthetic feature(s). :param X: numpy ndarray, {n_samples, n_components}. New data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_components is the number of components. :return: X_transformed: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features + 1) or (n_samples, n_features + 1 + n_classes) for classifier with predict_proba attribute; The transformed feature set. """ import numpy as np from sklearn.utils import check_array X = check_array(X) X_transformed = np.copy(X) # add class probabilities as a synthetic feature if self.probs and hasattr(self.estimator, "predict_proba"): X_transformed = np.hstack((X, (self.estimator.predict_proba(X)))) # add class decision_function as a synthetic feature if self.decision and hasattr(self.estimator, "decision_function"): X_transformed = np.hstack( ( X_transformed, np.reshape(self.estimator.decision_function(X), (-1, 1)), ) ) # add class prediction as a synthetic feature if self.res: X_transformed = np.hstack( (X_transformed, np.reshape(self.estimator.predict(X), (-1, 1))) ) return X_transformed
[docs]class Words(object): """ This class takes a set as alphabet and generates words of a given length accordingly. A `Words` instant accepts the following parameters: :param letters: is a set of letters (symbols) to make up the words :param last: a subset of `letters` that are allowed to appear at the end of a word :param first: a set of words that can only appear at the beginning of a word :param repeat: whether consecutive occurrence of a letter is allowed """ def __init__(self, letters, last=None, first=None, repeat=False): self.letters = letters self.last = last self.first = first self.words = [] self.repeat = repeat def _check_cons_repeat(self, o): lng = len(o) for i in range(1, lng): if self.repeat: return True if o[i - 1] == o[i]: return False return True def _check_mid_first(self, o): if (self.first is None) or (self.first == []): return True n_ = len(o) for i in range(1, n_): if o[i] in self.first: return False return True
[docs] def Generate(self, l): """ Generates the set of legitimate words of length `l` :param l: int, the length of words :return: set of all legitimate words of length `l` """ from itertools import product words = [] for o in product(self.letters, repeat=l): if self.last is not None: if o[-1] in self.last: if self._check_cons_repeat(o) and self._check_mid_first(o): words.append(o) else: if self._check_cons_repeat(o) and self._check_mid_first(o): words.append(o) return words
try: from .structsearch import Real, Integer, Categorical, HDReal except ModuleNotFoundError: Real = lambda a, b: None Integer = lambda a, b: None Categorical = lambda a: None HDReal = lambda a, b: None except ImportError: Real = lambda a, b: None Integer = lambda a, b: None Categorical = lambda a: None HDReal = lambda a, b: None default_config = { # Classifiers "sklearn.naive_bayes.BernoulliNB": { "alpha": Real(10.0e-5, 100.0), "fit_prior": Categorical([True, False]), }, "sklearn.naive_bayes.GaussianNB": {"var_smoothing": Real(1.0e-9, 2.0e-1)}, "sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier": { "criterion": Categorical(["gini", "entropy"]), "splitter": Categorical(["best", "random"]), "min_samples_split": Integer(2, 10), "min_samples_leaf": Integer(1, 10), "class_weight": HDReal((1.0e-5, 1.0e-5), (20.0, 20.0)), }, "sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression": { "penalty": Categorical(["l1", "l2"]), "C": Real(1.0e-6, 10.0), "class_weight": HDReal((1.0e-5, 1.0e-5), (20.0, 20.0)) # 'dual': Categorical([True, False]) }, "sklearn.svm.SVC": { "C": Real(1e-6, 20.0), "gamma": Real(1e-6, 10.0), "tol": Real(1e-6, 10.0), "class_weight": HDReal((1.0e-5, 1.0e-5), (20.0, 20.0)), }, "sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier": { "n_estimators": Integer(10, 200), "criterion": Categorical(["gini", "entropy"]), "min_samples_split": Integer(2, 10), "min_samples_leaf": Integer(1, 10), "class_weight": HDReal((1.0e-5, 1.0e-5), (20.0, 20.0)), }, "sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier": { "loss": Categorical(["deviance", "exponential"]), "learning_rate": Real(1.0e-6, 1.0 - 1.0e-6), "n_estimators": Integer(10, 500), "subsample": Real(1.0e-6, 1.0), "criterion": Categorical(["friedman_mse", "mse", "mae"]), # "min_samples_split": Integer(2, 20), # "min_samples_leaf": Integer(1, 20), # "min_weight_fraction_leaf": Real(0., .5), # "max_depth": Integer(2, 20), # "min_impurity_decrease": Real(0., 10.), # "min_impurity_split": Real(0., 10.), # "max_features": Categorical(['auto', 'sqrt', 'log2', None]), "tol": Real(1.0e-6, 0.1), }, "lightgbm.LGBMClassifier": { "boosting_type": Categorical(["gbdt", "dart", "goss", "rf"]), "num_leaves": Integer(2, 100), "learning_rate": Real(1.0e-7, 1.0 - 1.0e-6), "n_estimators": Integer(5, 250), "min_split_gain": Real(0.0, 1.0), # "min_child_weight": Real(1.e-6, 1.), # "min_child_samples": Integer(5, 200), "subsample": Real(1.0e-6, 1.0), # "subsample_freq": Integer(0, 10), # "colsample_bytree": Real(1.e-5, 1.), # "class_weight": HDReal((1.e-5, 1.e-5), (20., 20.)), # "reg_alpha": Real(0., 10.), # "reg_lambda": Real(0., 10.), "importance_type": Categorical(["split", "gain"]), }, "xgboost.XGBClassifier": { "n_estimators": Integer(50, 400), "max_depth": Integer(2, 20), "max_leaves": Integer(0, 200), "learning_rate": Real(1.0e-5, 1.0), "objective": Categorical( ["binary:logistic", "binary:logitraw", "binary:hinge"] ), "booster": Categorical(["gbtree", "gblinear", "dart"]), "gamma": Real(0.0, 100.0), # 'min_child_weight': Real(0., 100.), # 'max_delta_step': Real(0., 100.), "subsample": Real(1.0e-6, 1.0), # 'colsample_bytree': Real(1.e-6, 1.), # 'colsample_bylevel': Real(1.e-6, 1.), # 'reg_alpha': Real(0., 10.), # 'reg_lambda': Real(0., 10.), # 'scale_pos_weight': Real(1.e-5, 1.e3), # 'base_score': Real(1.e-5, .9999) }, # 'sklearn.discriminant_analysis.QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis': { # 'tol': Real(1.e-5, 2.) # }, # Feature Selectors "sklearn.feature_selection.VarianceThreshold": {"threshold": Real(0.0, 0.3)}, "sklearn.decomposition.PCA": { # 'svd_solver': Categorical(['randomized']), "iterated_power": Integer(1, 11), "n_components": Integer(2, 30), }, "sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD": { "n_components": Integer(2, 30), "algorithm": Categorical(["randomized", "arpack"]), }, # Preprocesssors "sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler": { "with_mean": Categorical([True, False]), "with_std": Categorical([True, False]), }, "sklearn.preprocessing.Normalizer": {"norm": Categorical(["l1", "l2", "max"])}, # Transformers # 'sklearn.preprocessing.PowerTransformer': { # 'method': Categorical(['yeo-johnson', 'box-cox']), # 'standardize': Categorical([True, False]) # }, "sklearn.kernel_approximation.Nystroem": { "kernel": Categorical(["rbf", "poly", "sigmoid"]), "gamma": Real(1.0e-2, 10.0), "n_components": Integer(10, 100), }, "sklearn.kernel_approximation.RBFSampler": { "gamma": Real(1.0e-3, 10.0), "n_components": Integer(10, 100), }, "sklearn.kernel_approximation.AdditiveChi2Sampler": {"sample_steps": Integer(1, 3)}, "sklearn.kernel_approximation.SkewedChi2Sampler": { "skewedness": Real(0.1, 5.0), "n_components": Integer(10, 100), }, # Sensitivity Analysis "sksurrogate.SensAprx": { "n_features_to_select": Integer(2, 30), "method": Categorical(["sobol", "morris", "delta-mmnt"]), # 'regressor': Categorical([None, regressor]) }, # Manifold Learning # 'sklearn.manifold.Isomap': { # 'n_neighbors': Integer(2, 12), # 'n_components': Integer(1, 10), # }, # 'sklearn.manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding': { # 'n_neighbors': Integer(2, 12), # 'n_components': Integer(1, 10), # 'reg ': Real(1.e-5, .2), # 'method': Categorical(['standard', 'ltsa']) # }, # 'sklearn.manifold.MDS': { # 'n_components': Integer(1, 10), # 'n_init': Integer(2, 8), # }, # 'sklearn.manifold.SpectralEmbedding': { # 'n_components': Integer(1, 10), # 'affinity': Categorical(['nearest_neighbors', 'rbf', 'precomputed']) # }, # 'sklearn.manifold.TSNE': { # 'n_components': Integer(1, 10), # 'perplexity': Real(5., 50.), # 'early_exaggeration': Real(5., 25.), # 'learning_rate ': Real(10., 500.) # }, # Sampler "imblearn.over_sampling.SMOTE": {"k_neighbors": Integer(3, 10)}, }
[docs]class AML(object): """ A class that accepts a nested dictionary with machine learning libraries as its keys and a dictionary of their parameters and their ranges as value of each key and finds an optimum combination based on training data. :param config: A dictionary whose keys are scikit-learn-style objects (as strings) and its corresponding values are dictionaries of the parameters and their acceptable ranges/values :param length: default=5; Maximum number of objects in generated pipelines :param scoring: default='accuracy'; The scoring method to be optimized. Must follow the sklearn scoring signature :param cat_cols: default=None; The list of indices of categorical columns :param surrogates: default=None; A list of 4-tuples determining surrogates. The first entity of each tuple is a scikit-learn regressor and the 2nd entity is the number of iterations that this surrogate needs to be estimated and optimized. The 3rd is the sampling strategy and the 4th is the `scipy.optimize` solver :param min_random_evals: default=15; Number of randomly sampled initial values for hyper parameters :param cv: default=`ShuffleSplit(n_splits=3, test_size=.25); The cross validation method :param check_point: default='./'; The path where the optimization results will be stored :param stack_res: default=True; `StackingEstimator`s `res` :param stack_probs: default=True; `StackingEstimator`s `probs` :param stack_decision: default=True; `StackingEstimator`s `decision` :param verbose: default=1; Level of output details :param n_jobs: int, default=-1; number of processes to run in parallel """ def __init__( self, config=None, length=5, scoring="accuracy", cat_cols=None, surrogates=None, min_random_evals=15, cv=None, check_point="./", stack_res=True, stack_probs=True, stack_decision=True, verbose=1, n_jobs=-1 ): from collections import OrderedDict if config is None: self.config = default_config else: self.config = config self.config_types = {} self.couldBlast = [] self.couldBfirst = [] self.feature_selector = set() self.known_feature_selectors = { "sklearn.decomposition.FactorAnalysis", "sklearn.decomposition.FastICA", "sklearn.decomposition.IncrementalPCA", "sklearn.decomposition.KernelPCA", "sklearn.decomposition.LatentDirichletAllocation", "sklearn.decomposition.MiniBatchDictionaryLearning", "sklearn.decomposition.MiniBatchSparsePCA", "sklearn.decomposition.NMF", "sklearn.decomposition.PCA", "sklearn.decomposition.SparsePCA", "sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD", "sklearn.feature_selection.VarianceThreshold", "sklearn.manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding", "sklearn.manifold.Isomap", "sklearn.manifold.MDS", "sklearn.manifold.SpectralEmbedding", "sklearn.manifold.TSNE", "sksurrogate.SensAprx", "skrebate.ReliefF", "skrebate.SURF", "skrebate.SURFstar", "skrebate.MultiSURF", "skrebate.MultiSURFstar", "skrebate.TuRF", } self.letters = self.config_types.keys() self.length = length self.scoring = scoring self.cat_cols = cat_cols self.surrogates = surrogates self.check_point = check_point self.min_random_evals = min_random_evals self.stack_res = stack_res self.stack_probs = stack_probs self.stack_decision = stack_decision self.verbose = verbose self.num_features = 2 self.n_jobs = n_jobs # TBD: check cv if cv is None: from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=3, test_size=0.25) else: = cv self.types() self.words = Words(self.letters, last=self.couldBlast, first=self.couldBfirst) self.models = OrderedDict([]) self.best_estimator_ = None self.best_estimator_score = 0.0
[docs] def types(self): """ Recognizes the type of each estimator to determine proper placement of each :return: None """ from importlib import import_module from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectorMixin for alg in self.config: if alg != "sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion": detail = alg.split(".") module_str = ".".join(detail[:-1]) module = import_module(module_str) clss = module.__getattribute__(detail[-1]) mdl = clss() if hasattr(mdl, "_estimator_type"): self.config_types[alg] = mdl._estimator_type if mdl._estimator_type in ["regressor", "classifier"]: self.couldBlast.append(alg) elif mdl._estimator_type == "sampler": self.couldBfirst.append(alg) else: self.config_types[alg] = "transformer" if ( issubclass(clss, SelectorMixin) or alg in self.known_feature_selectors ): self.feature_selector.add(alg) else: self.config_types[alg] = "transformer"
def _validate_sequence(self, seq): """ Validates the structure of the building sequence :param seq: a sequence of (genes) estimators :return: True or False """ # Check the validity of the final estimator if self.config_types[seq[-1]] not in ["regressor", "classifier"]: return False n = len(seq) - 1 # The second to last estimator can't be `FeatureUnion` if seq[n - 1] == "sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion": return False flag = False cnt = 0 for idx in range(n): gene = seq[idx] if gene == "sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion": flag = True elif ( (gene in self.feature_selector) or (self.config_types[gene] in ["regressor", "classifier"]) ) and flag: cnt += 1 elif flag and not ( (gene in self.feature_selector) or (self.config_types[gene] in ["regressor", "classifier"]) ): if cnt == 0: return False else: flag = False cnt = 0 return True
[docs] def add_surrogate(self, estimator, itrs, sampling=None, optim="L-BFGS-B"): """ Adding a regressor for surrogate optimization procedure. :param estimator: A scikit-learn style regressor :param itrs: Number of iterations the `estimator` needs to be fitted and optimized :param sampling: default= BoxSample; The sampling strategy (`CompactSample`, `BoxSample` or `SphereSample`) :param optim: default='L-BFGS-B';`scipy.optimize` solver :return: None """ if self.surrogates is None: self.surrogates = [] if sampling is None: from .structsearch import BoxSample sampling = BoxSample self.surrogates.append((estimator, itrs, sampling, optim))
def _cast(self, n, X, y): """ Evaluates and optimizes all acceptable combinations of length `n` :param n: The length of pipelines :param X: Training data :param y: Observed values :return: None """ from .structsearch import BoxSample, CompactSample # if self.couldBfirst == []: # from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline # else: # from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV if self.surrogates is None: from numpy import logspace from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor from sklearn.kernel_ridge import KernelRidge from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import ( Matern, Sum, ExpSineSquared, WhiteKernel, ) param_grid_gpr = { "alpha": logspace(-8, 1, 20), "kernel": [ Sum(Matern(length_scale=l, nu=p), WhiteKernel(noise_level=q)) for l in logspace(-3, 3, 20) for p in [0.5, 1.5, 2.5] for q in logspace(-3, 1.5, 20) ], } GPR = RandomizedSearchCV( GaussianProcessRegressor(), param_distributions=param_grid_gpr, n_iter=20, cv=2, ) param_grid_krr = { "alpha": logspace(-4, 0, 10), "kernel": [ Sum(Matern(), ExpSineSquared(l, p)) for l in logspace(-2, 2, 20) for p in logspace(0, 2, 20) ], } KRR = RandomizedSearchCV( KernelRidge(), param_distributions=param_grid_krr, n_iter=30, cv=2 ) self.surrogates = [ (KRR, 35, CompactSample, "L-BFGS-B"), (GPR, 50, BoxSample, "L-BFGS-B"), ] self.min_random_evals = 10 Pop = [] candidates = self.words.Generate(n) for cnddt in candidates: if self._validate_sequence(cnddt): Pop.append(cnddt) for seq in Pop: if not self._validate_sequence(seq): continue best_mdl, best_scr = self.optimize_pipeline(seq, X, y) self.models[seq] = (best_mdl, best_scr) if self.verbose > 0: print("score:%f" % best_scr) print(best_mdl)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Generates and optimizes all legitimate pipelines. The best pipeline can be retrieved from `self.best_estimator_` :param X: Training data :param y: Corresponding observations :return: `self` """ _X, _y = X, y if self.cat_cols is not None: from category_encoders.one_hot import OneHotEncoder enc = OneHotEncoder( cols=self.cat_cols, return_df=False, handle_unknown="ignore" ) _X = enc.transform(X) X_, y_ = _X, _y self.num_features = len(X_[0]) for l in range(1, self.length + 1): self._cast(l, X_, y_) self.best_estimator_ = list(self.get_top(1).items())[0][1][0] self.best_estimator_score = list(self.get_top(1).items())[0][1][1] return self
@staticmethod def _get_class(library): """ Takes a string that refers to a class in an accessible module and returns the associated class :param library: string referring to a class :return: the actual class """ from importlib import import_module detail = library.split(".") module_str = ".".join(detail[:-1]) module = import_module(module_str) clss = module.__getattribute__(detail[-1]) return clss
[docs] def eoa_fit(self, X, y, **kwargs): """ Applies evolutionary optimization methods to find an optimum pipeline :param X: Training data :param y: Corresponding observations :param kwargs: `EOA` parameters :return: `self` """ from .structsearch import BoxSample, CompactSample from .eoa import EOA _X, _y = X, y if self.cat_cols is not None: from category_encoders.one_hot import OneHotEncoder enc = OneHotEncoder( cols=self.cat_cols, return_df=False, handle_unknown="ignore" ) _X = enc.transform(X) X_, y_ = _X, _y self.num_features = len(X_[0]) Pop = [] for l in range(1, self.length + 1): candidates = self.words.Generate(l) for cnddt in candidates: if self._validate_sequence(cnddt): Pop.append(cnddt) def _eval(ppl): # if self.couldBfirst == []: # from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline # else: # from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV if self.surrogates is None: from numpy import logspace from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor from sklearn.kernel_ridge import KernelRidge from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import ( Matern, Sum, ExpSineSquared, WhiteKernel, ) param_grid_gpr = { "alpha": logspace(-8, 1, 20), "kernel": [ Sum(Matern(length_scale=l_, nu=p), WhiteKernel(noise_level=q)) for l_ in logspace(-3, 3, 20) for p in [0.5, 1.5, 2.5] for q in logspace(-3, 1.5, 20) ], } GPR = RandomizedSearchCV( GaussianProcessRegressor(), param_distributions=param_grid_gpr, n_iter=20, cv=2, ) param_grid_krr = { "alpha": logspace(-4, 0, 10), "kernel": [ Sum(Matern(), ExpSineSquared(l_, p)) for l_ in logspace(-2, 2, 20) for p in logspace(0, 2, 20) ], } KRR = RandomizedSearchCV( KernelRidge(), param_distributions=param_grid_krr, n_iter=30, cv=2 ) self.surrogates = [ (KRR, 35, CompactSample, "L-BFGS-B"), (GPR, 50, BoxSample, "L-BFGS-B"), ] self.min_random_evals = 10 from collections import OrderedDict fitted = OrderedDict([]) for seq in ppl: best_mdl, best_scr = self.optimize_pipeline(seq, X_, y_) if seq not in self.models: self.models[seq] = (best_mdl, best_scr) if self.verbose > 0: print("score:%f" % best_scr) print(best_mdl) fitted[seq] = -best_scr return fitted num_parents = kwargs.pop("num_parents", 30) mutation_prob = kwargs.pop("mutation_prob", 0.1) _eoa = EOA( population=Pop, fitness=_eval, num_parents=num_parents, mutation_prob=mutation_prob, term_genes=self.couldBlast, init_genes=self.couldBfirst, check_point=self.check_point, **kwargs ) _eoa() self.best_estimator_ = list(self.get_top(1).items())[0][1][0] return self
[docs] def get_top(self, num=5): """ Finds the top `n` pipelines :param num: Number of pipelines to be returned :return: An OrderedDict of top models """ from collections import OrderedDict return OrderedDict(sorted(self.models.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][1])[:num])
[docs] def optimize_pipeline(self, seq, X, y): """ Constructs and optimizes a pipeline according to the steps passed through `seq` which is a tuple of estimators and transformers. :param seq: the tuple of steps of the pipeline to be optimized :param X: numpy array of training features :param y: numpy array of training values :return: the optimized pipeline and its score """ from .structsearch import SurrogateRandomCV if self.couldBfirst == []: from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline else: from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline OPTIM = None n = len(seq) idx = 0 ent_idx = 0 steps = [] config = {} task_name = self.check_point + "_".join(seq) while ent_idx < n: est = seq[ent_idx] clss = self._get_class(est) pre = "stp_%d" % idx if ( self.config_types[est] in ["regressor", "classifier"] and ent_idx < n - 1 ): mdl = clss() steps.append( ( pre, StackingEstimator( mdl, res=self.stack_res, probs=self.stack_probs, decision=self.stack_decision, ), ) ) ent_idx += 1 elif est == "sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion": self.config[est] = dict() int_idx = 1 int_steps = [] next_est = seq[ent_idx + int_idx] # Find the rest of the sequence before the last or the next feature selector while ( (self.config_types[next_est] in ["regressor", "classifier"]) or (next_est in self.known_feature_selectors) ) and (ent_idx + int_idx < n - 1): int_pre = "int_%d" % int_idx if next_est in self.known_feature_selectors: int_mdl = self._get_class(next_est)() # set the parameter's dictionary for kw in self.config[next_est]: self.config[est][int_pre + "__" + kw] = self.config[ next_est ][kw] else: from eli5.sklearn import PermutationImportance from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel from numpy import inf int_est = self._get_class(next_est)() int_mdl = SelectFromModel( PermutationImportance(int_est, scoring=self.scoring, cv=3), threshold=-inf, ) self.config[est][int_pre + "__" + "max_features"] = Integer( 1, self.num_features ) for kw in self.config[next_est]: self.config[est][ int_pre + "__" + "estimator__estimator__" + kw ] = self.config[next_est][kw] int_steps.append((int_pre, int_mdl)) int_idx += 1 next_est = seq[ent_idx + int_idx] if int_steps != []: mdl = clss(int_steps) steps.append((pre, mdl)) ent_idx += int_idx else: mdl = clss() steps.append((pre, mdl)) ent_idx += 1 for kw in self.config[est]: config[pre + "__" + kw] = self.config[est][kw] idx += 1 ppln = Pipeline(steps) if self.verbose > 0: print("=" * 90) print(seq) print("-" * 90) for srgt in self.surrogates: OPTIM = SurrogateRandomCV( ppln, params=config, max_iter=srgt[1], min_evals=self.min_random_evals, scoring=self.scoring,, verbose=max(self.verbose - 1, 0), sampling=srgt[2], regressor=srgt[0], scipy_solver=srgt[3], task_name=task_name, Continue=True, warm_start=True, n_jobs=self.n_jobs ), y) return OPTIM.best_estimator_, OPTIM.best_estimator_score